Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wheels & Machine Shop search continues!

I ordered Kumho Solus KR21 tires from at 8pm on Thursday of last week, the next day at 10am the UPS man was delivering them to my door. Unbelievable! I had to order 155/80/13 as the original 155SR13 are pretty much no longer available in this country. You can find them by Vredestein at Coker Tire but they are out until March 2012, they are also a lot more expensive compared to TireRack. I picked up my newly powder coated stock steel wheels from Accurate Powder Coating and they came out great.
I was afraid they might be too sparkly when I dropped them off but the end result is impressive. I had my new tires mounted on the steel wheels at a place here in San Francisco called Rolling Stock. They. Look. Awesome.
The period correct, Japanese made, "American Racing" slot mags are off.
I was all set to put on the steel wheels until I discovered that the proper style wheel bolts I had were fine thread... the 850 takes coarse thread... damn! So, for now the car is perched on jack stands until correct wheel bolts arrive.

So on to the Machine Shop "situation". I sent out a bunch of emails to local Fiat parts suppliers as well as garages that specialize in Fiats asking them if they did their own machine work or who they'd recommend. Some got back to me, some didn't. Some machine shops won't touch Fiat work, others say they'll be happy to do it, then... nothing. So, to make a long story short and without naming names, I'm still trying to find a machine shop that- A. Has Fiat experience and B. Actually wants to do it. It would help if they are somewhat local too but it doesn't look like I can be too picky.

1 comment:

  1. great site!!
    i also restoring a 850 coupe
    it's great to see the work you did on your car

    my coupe :
